Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Virgo rising — Enneagram 7


about me

Hey! It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Kayleigh. I’m an architectural designer, watercolor artist & dog mom based in Boston, Massachusetts with my husband and pups, bubba & archie.

For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed creating and making things with my hands. As a kid, some of my fondest memories included painting with my grandfather in his Connecticut home studio. Every year during summer vacation we would visit & I would spend hours in the studio drawing and painting. He is the reason I knew I wanted to become an architect in the 5th grade & the reason I love watercolor as a medium.

In March of 2020, I decided to get back into watercolor — I am truly so glad I did. My happy place is sitting in my wfh office “studio”, sunshine pouring in, slight breeze, & paintbrush in hand. I find so much peace & optimism in the natural environment & I’m glad I can share that with you through my work.

Things I love: waking up for the sunrise, brewing blueberry black tea, film photography, farmers markets, and listening to Elton John on vinyl.

with love,



“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” — Audrey Hepburn